Saturday, 17 November 2012

Memories in writing.

Bringing it back, way back. 
To when this question was placed within my mind:
What it is you care about and how do you express your subject with photography?

A fairly basic exercise for teachers to decipher which kids will cut it later on, a cynic would think now. My answer was extremely bullshitty due to the fact that I tried, in my first year at Truro College, I tried.

'It seems an unavoidable reflex for the human mind to relate a certain type of visual material to something within themselves, if one stops to ponder upon an image we can assume there's something within the images content that has captivated this viewer and sparked some sort of response which would hopefully lead to wanting to 'understand' this picture, and truly know what it is about. The minds barriers between fiction and non-fiction dissolve and stories are visualized like dreams, fusing reality and imagination- igniting queries into the history or future of space and time. Ultimately, you are trying to distinguish why this particular image has been captured, it's significance in your world, perhaps. I like to provoke, I like to dream'.